Clarion’s 2nd Annual Drive Thru Rabies Clinic

Clarion County ABATE is hosting a Drive Thru Rabies Clinic at the Clarion Mall on Saturday April 12, 2025. The cost is only $15 per pet.
In case we have a little bit of a line while waiting, we would like EVERYONE to enter behind the Family Farm & Home store and travel behind the mall. Once behind Dunham’s stay to the left side by the curb and continue around to the front of the store. There we will have 2 lines set up and we will get your information and payment. Then pull up to the vet and assist the vet with your pet. We would appreciate keeping all pets in your vehicle at all times for safety concerns.

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Apr 12 2025


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


(Clarion Mall) 22631 Rt 68. Clarion PA 16214
(Clarion Mall) 22631 Rt 68. Clarion PA 16214