Leisa Schmitt
Assistant State OSAL Coordinator [email protected]
Welcome to the Operation Save A Life (OSAL) page!
We hope that you are here because your school or organization is interested in hosting an OSAL presentation at your facility; or maybe you’re interested in becoming an OSAL presenter. You will find everything you need to know here.
- Operation Save A Life is a motorcycle awareness program intended for school and civic groups. OSAL’s goal is to teach automobile drivers to be alert to motorcycle operators on the highways with the aim of helping everyone to “share the road” safely.
- Operation Save A Life is approved by the Pennsylvania Departments of Transportation and Education for the use in Driver Education programs throughout the state by A.B.A.T.E
- If you are interested in bringing the Operation Save A Life program to your facility or learning how you can become an OSAL presenter please contact us at [email protected]