36th Annual Leadership and Legislative Seminar Sponsorship Opportunities
We’ve come a long way since that very first one-day seminar back in the mid 80’s. Many refer to our annual seminar as the best in the country. It very well may be. But that comes at a cost.
Costs for everything continues to rise. If we want to keep the seminar to the same standards as in the past, we have little choice but to seek financial sponsorships from both the A.B.A.T.E. chapters and the businesses that support us around the state.
To help us continue to produce a premier seminar for motorcyclists we have developed the following sponsorship opportunities.
$ 1,500
For $1,500 we will list you in our program and also in our newsletter in recognition of your support. You will receive 8 seminar registrations. We will also guarantee you one reserved table for 8 attendees at the Saturday evening Award Banquet
$ 1,000
For $1,000 we will list you in our program and also in our newsletter in recognition of your support. You will receive 4 seminar registrations
$ 500
For $500 we will list you in our program and also in our newsletter in recognition of your support. For this contribution you will receive 2 seminar registrations
BRONZE A.B.A.T.E. Chapters only
$ 200
For $200 we will list you in our program and also in our newsletter in recognition of your support. Chapters will also receive one ¼ page ad in 2020 to advertise an event in Between the Lines
Individual Members
can become an
L & L Supporter and be listed in the program as recognition for a
$50 contribution.
Become a
“Super” Supporter with a
$100 donation!
Your name will appear in
BOLD print.