Legislative Coordinator

First Some Good News
On January 30th Senator Daniel Laughlin issued a co-sponsorship memo asking Senate members to sign on to support the first truly new piece of legislation that A.B.A.T.E. has put forward in recent years.
Titled; Refundable Registration Fee for the Motorcycle Safety Course
Our intent is to improve attendance at the still free PAMSP Rider Training Classes throughout the Commonweath.
A nominal deposit (less than $50.00) would hold spot for the rider in the class. To get all their money back the student just has to show up when they have said they would.
Illinois has done something similar for decades and I’ve been told by my counterpart in the Land of Lincoln this is helpful in reducing no shows.
Look at the memo and consider contacting your Senator to ask for their support.
Leadership & Legislative Seminar Recap
From the very top, I cannot give enough credit to all those who did the work that must be done to pull this off for the 38th time. Others plan to write about L&L in this issue and I expect that their coverage will touch more than I can here. A couple things I must add.
Starting with State PR Sonja Mauk’s knowledge and yes leadership. Sonja had more to do with making this happen than anyone. Don’t think anyone can put in more energy and effort than she did from start to finish.
Scott Crum has become something of an old hand at making many behind-the-scenes things happen. While it could be said Scott makes it happen without a hitch. There are always hitches. Scott just fixes problems so nobody can see it.
State Officers doing double and triple duty as Seminar presenters. Security, Auction, Sign-in, Products, Vendors, Guests and the list goes on so long that there is not enough room here. Apologies for those I know I’m leaving out. You all are amazing!
Several changes were made to the 38th L&L, look for the 39th to bring more new concepts to improve what we do as an organization. Member input is what drove the changes. Let us know what you want to see for 2025.
I was totally shocked when I was presented with the Freedom Fighter Award. While I have worked hard in this position by running up and down a lot of steps in Harrisburg, I look forward to bringing our agenda across Governor Shapiro’s desk to add to a sense of accomplishment. To those that nominated me THANK YOU!
Now for something different
For just over a year now my column has reported the status of various pieces of legislation moving through the General Assembly in Harrisburg that are of interest to A.B.A.T.E. of PA.
This column will not repeat this information as not a single change has taken place. The House has been shut down since December 13th. When this edition of Between the Lines hits the streets the House’s return to the chamber will still be more than two weeks away on March 18th when A.B.A.T.E. will have our members in the Capitol for a Lobby Day.
Lobby Day March 18th RSVP Requested
Members planning to attend or interested please RSVP by contacting me directly at [email protected] or call, text my mobile 443-791-7214.
I am asking for the RSVP to have a head count and divide the offices we will deliver packages to among those who can attend on a Monday. Many hands make light work and I want to be ready for those Freedom Fighters that are willing to sacrifice a workday to do more.
We will meet away from the Capitol in the morning then set out to deliver our message to our elected Senators and Representatives. It would be fantastic if A.B.A.T.E. gets in to every office on the 18th, because the Assembly has 253 members, that is a high bar.
Any offices not visited will get a visit from me during the rest of that week.
Motorcycle Awareness Month
Time is running out for Chapters to get in the public eye with Municipal Proclamations.
NHTSA (The Feds) have made this a Nationwide message in the Month of May. Challenging Chapter LC and PR Officers to make the effort and you’ll likely be recognized in your Borough, Township or County.
Looking forward to the early Spring that groundhog promised.
Stay Safe,
Ken Edwards
State Legislative Coordinator
Please visit the Legislation Page to see the full list of bills we are following.