Microsoft 365 Resource page

How Office 365 helps you as an A.B.A.T.E. officer!

  • Microsoft 365 is a cloud offering from Microsoft. Cloud in this context is defined as software and hardware that are owned and maintained by Microsoft in a Microsoft facility and users access to them is through the internet. Microsoft 365 is a SAAS cloud offering. SAAS (Software As A Service)
  • Microsoft 365 gives A.B.A.T.E. of PA officers and volunteers the ability to communicate, create, plan and collaborate quickly, easily and cost free.
  • Chapter reports can be submitted effortlessly.
  • Chapter documents, flyers and photos can be save and stored securely.
  • Online meetings where a planning committee or chapter board can meet with video and audio.
  • Powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, One Drive, Teams and more can be accessed and used simply by logging in to online.  There is no need to purchase and install expensive Microsoft Office on your laptop or PC.

Useful Links

Download the 2022 L&L Microsoft 365 presentation

ABATE Tech Help Page

 Dominic Pirocchi

[email protected]

Microsoft 365 Account request Form