Sonja Mauk
Public Relation Officers are key links between A.B.A.T.E. of PA and the media. You are encouraged to establish personal contacts with a variety of media contacts. PR Officers are urged to print out current press releases in our Media Center and send them to their local weekly newspapers, radio & TV stations and reprint them in Chapter newsletters. Permission is hereby granted for re-publication of ABATE material in its entirety without alteration, modification, additions or deletions.
Monthly Letter to the membership
By Sonja Mauk, Public Relations Officer
The Leadership and Legislative (L&L) Seminar has been going on since 1986. The list includes the awards given only as far back as 1988. If anyone sees any discrepancies, or has the info. on the 1986 and 1987, awards that were presented, please feel free to email me at: [email protected].
1988-Presented at 1989 L&L
Freedom Choice
Rep. Michael Veon
1989-Presented at 1990 L&L
Freedom Choice
Senator Clarence Bell
1990-Presented at 1991 L&L
Fred Curren
Cathy Schuler
Dan Faingnaert
Marilyn Shields
Mike Zuber
Ellen Bruzgulis
Bill Nash
Dave Duncan
Bob Adams
Joe Shannon
Bob Kotarsky
Sherrie Gilkey
Charles Umbenhauer
Carol Umbenhauer
1991-Presented at 1992 L&L
Pappy Haag
John Zernecki
Bruce Johnson
Bobbie Carlson
John Andrews
Werner Fornos
Joan Maljavec
1992-Presented at 1993 L&L
Slider Gilmore (National Safety)
Dr. Robinson (State Safety)
Cindy Sutton (Leadership)
Tim Stewart
Stan Hugney
Judy Ainsley
Sherrie Gilkey
Cheryl Little (Charity)
Joe Smith (Legislative)
Steve Cohen (Legislative)
1993-Presented at 1994 L&L
Rick Gray
Henry Cifuni
Boyd Spencer
Bob & Penny Richards
Bill McElyea
TK Kelly
Lee Tremel
Rebecca Thompson
1994-Presented at 1995 L&L
Bill Laber
Andy Banas
Ray Brown
Jim Fulton
Fred Curren
1995-Presented at 1996 L&L
Gail Gray
Carmen Encisco
Alan Keith
Jim Quinn
Chuck Minerd
Bob O’Hare
Bob Rudy
Top BikePAC Bill & Linda McElyea
2nd Ward Bell
1996-Presented at 1997 L&L
Shelley Derendinger
Steve Weston
Larry Cadorrett
Tom Englerth
Cheryl Maier
Dorothy Sisler
Top BikePAC District 2
2nd District 9
Bill McElyea
1997-Presented at 1998 L&L
Presidents Ann Young
Freedom Art Tizer
Helen Antonio
Leadership Bob Derendinger
Golden Quill Dan Faingnaert
Distinguished Ricky Harper
Ed Fruecht, Jr.
Humanitarian Delaware Valley
Jefferson County
Safety Henry Cifuni
Top BikePAC District 2
2nd District 9
Kevin and Peggy Snyder
Domenic Sciole
Teresa Brown
1998-Presented at 1999 L&L
Presidents Teresa Forcier
Leadership Nancy DeWeese
Freedom Deb Dailey
Safety Keystone Chapter
Distinguished Lynn Wesley
Golden Quill Mike Zuber
Humanitarian Tony Graessle
Top BikePAC District 2
2nd District 9
1999-Presented at 2000 L&L
Presidents Carol Deyell
Freedom Tom Englerth
Safety Dan Wilbur
Humanitarian Dominick Sciole
Top BikePAC District 4
2nd District 9
2000-Presented at 2001 L&L
Presidents Ed Watkins
Leadership Dan Wilbur
Freedom Senator Vince Fumo
Distinguished Domenick Sciole
Humanitarian August Berry
Top BikePAC District 9
2nd District 4
2001-Presented at 2002 L&L
Presidents Sue Fawcett
Leadership Mark Haller
Freedom Ron Dasher
Bob Sassaman
Safety Giardina
Distinguished Eugene Rimer
Golden Quill Charles & Chris McGee
Dealer’s Award Blocker’s HD
Lifetime Kevin Snyder
Top BikePAC District 9
2nd District 6
2002-Presented at 2003 L&L
Presidents Charles Flack
Leadership Joe Dickey
Freedom Bald Eagle Mt. Chapter
Safety Tom Englerth
Harper Shoap
Distinguished Shelley Derendinger
Boyd Spencer
Anthony Gennarelli
Golden Quill Sharon Joyce
Dealer Award Susquehanna Valley HD
LIFETIME Shelley Derendinger
Top BikePAC District 9
2nd District 6
2003-Presented at 2004 L&L
Presidents Trapper Browne
Leadership Mike Rizzo
John Steiner
Freedom Senator Wozniak
Rep. Teresa Forcier
Safety Hal Hallock
Distinguished Debbie Inghram
Phil Sciarra
Milt and Nancy Hunt
Golden Quill Jayne Challinor
Dealer Award Battlefield Harley Davidson
LIFETIME Dan Faingnaert
Top BikePAC District 9
2nd District 6
2004-Presented at 2005 L&L
Presidents Tammy Frey
Leadership Mike Reeser
Freedom Reb Williams
Safety Rick Boyd
Dallas Hartman
Golden Quill Jeff Harris
Distinguished Jim Allenbaugh
Humanitarian Mason Dixon Chapter
Presidents Bill McElyea
Leadership Allegheny Chapter
Alice Stringer
Freedom Mark Mitchell
Safety Mark Schultz
Distinguished Donna Dutchco
Humanitarian Erie County Chapter
2006-Presented at 2007 L&L
Presidents Carl Jones
Leadership Rich Beth
Freedom Ron Dasher
Safety Teresa Miller
Distinguished Paula Berrier
Denise Yohn
Humanitarian Mason Dixon Chapter
Golden Quill Joe Heh
Dealer Award Smaltz HD
LIFETIME Bob Sassaman
Retention 1st Place—Endless Mts.
2nd Place—Montgomery
New Members 1st Place—Luzerne Chapter
2nd Place—Crawford
2007-Presented at 2008 L&L
Presidents Jay ‘Red Man’ Little
Leadership Don Moser
Freedom Rick Loomis
Safety Cinda Hartley
Distinguished She Devil
Mason Dixon Color Guard
Humanitarian Highlanders Chapter
LIFETIME John Andrews
2008-Presented at 2009 L&L
Presidents Rick Stephens
Leadership Jerry Ford
Dave Evans
Freedom Ed Keefer
Safety Hal Hallock
Distinguished Ed Ennis
Donna Dutzer
Humanitarian Chinkalacamoose Chapter
Golden Quill David Tuschel
LIFETIME Mark Schultz
Presidents Delaware Valley Chapter
Leadership Dave Lucchesi
Ed Wilson
JK Smith
Freedom Imre Szauter
Safety Stanley Oakes
Golden Quill Steve Zurl
Distinguished Gerald Garbutt
Marcie Dailey
Humanitarian Lehigh Valley
Keystone Chapters
Dealers Award Brian’s HD
Barb’s HD
LIFETIME Sharon Joyce
Appreciation Award
from BikePAC Paul Hundertmark
2010-Presented at 2011 L&L
Presidents Dave Evans
Leadership Debbie Schaffer
Freedom Tom Detrick
Safety Jim Foster
Golden Quill Deny Walk
Distinguished Butch Rivera
Beaver County Chapter
Humanitarian Valerie Sankey-Flegal
LIFETIME Jay ‘Red Man’ Little
Contributing Organization PMSP
Lifetime Humanitarian Del Val Chapter
Membership Contest Tri County
2011-Presented at 2012 L&L
Presidents Dana Coyle
Leadership Tom Bogacki
Freedom John Meredith
Safety Ruth Bretzman
Golden Quill Kevin Snyder
Distinguished Christine Rumbaugh
Micki Renaud
Humanitarian Tobey Wingard
Walt Sipe
Membership Contest South Mt Chapter
2012-Presented at 2013 L&L
Presidents Dana Coyle
Bob Watkins
Bill Foley
Bob Handwork
Freedom Scott Christopher
Freedom Lehigh Valley Chapter
Safety Mark Nale
Golden Quill Beth Christopher
Distinguished Milt Hunt
Humanitarian Dale Doss
LIFETIME Paula and Joe Smith
Contributing Organization PAMSP
Membership Contest Mason Dixon Chapter
2013-Presented at 2014 L&L
Presidents Rose Allotta
Freedom Deny Walk
Leadership Jim Kukura
Ed Maloney
Safety Roy Sluk, Sr.
Distinguished Carole Fenton
Terri Watkins
Humanitarian Howard Engel
LIFETIME Dave Surgenor
Administrative Excellence PENNDoT
2014-Presented at 2015 L&L
Presidents John Kruger
Freedom Andy Kelly
Leadership Jill Werner
Dave Astemborski
Safety Eric Mershimer
Distinguished Joe & Donna White
Jesse Reed
Humanitarian Chester County Chapter
Golden Quill Pat Bywater
Jim Barger
LIFETIME Lenny Young
2015-Presented at 2016 L&L
Presidents Bob Pisaneschi
Freedom Mary Dixon
Leadership Robert McCully
Tony DiMartino
Safety Mason Dixon Chapter
Distinguished Tony Bonacci
Tom Urbain
Humanitarian Crawford County Chapter
Dave and Diane Kuhns
Golden Quill Stan Oakes
LIFETIME Tom Bogacki, Jr.
2016-Presented at 2017 L&L
Presidents Robert McCully
Leadership Adam Gill
Eric Mershimer
Freedom Michelle Gallatin Baughman
Jamie Baughman
Mary Lou Gallatin
Jim Connor
Safety Mary Bruno
Distinguished Blaine Glatfelter & NPC
Humanitarian Jefferson County Chapter
Golden Quill Sonja Mauk
LIFETIME Milt and Nancy Hunt
2017-Presented at 2018 L&L
Presidents Rep. Mark Keller
Leadership Gary Bracken
Freedom Rep. Pam Snyder
Linda Smegal
Safety Ron Rohrbaugh
Distinguished Ed Keefer
Rosey Parsons
Diane Evans
Humanitarian Indiana County Chapter
Shera Frobe
Golden Quill Bob Russell
Brian Magness
LIFETIME “Radar” Mitchell
2018-Presented at 2019 L&L
Presidents Jesse Reed
Leadership Zachary Ball
Bob Handwork
Freedom Rep. Dawn Keefer
Safety Mike Bretzman
Distinguished Scott Christopher
Humanitarian Deana Rager
Golden Quill Matt Burton
LIFETIME Eric Mershimer
2019-Presented at 2020 L&L
Presidents Scott Minich
Leadership Dave Brewster
Tom Detrick
Freedom Rep. Dawn Keefer
Safety Adam Gill
Distinguished Phil Sciarra
Bob Watkins
Dave and Paula Berrier
Humanitarian Drew Harmon
Golden Quill Sonja Mauk
LIFETIME Charlie and Barb Smith
2021-Presented at 2022 L&L
Presidents Bart Simpson
Leadership Brett Sorg
Freedom Rep. Josh Kail
Richard Freeburn
Safety Tobey Wingard
Distinguished Tom Detrict
Mike Haberberger
Humanitarian Donald Hammer
Golden Quill Charles Umbenhauer
Rita Crawford
LIFETIME Tony Bonacci
Steen Peterson