officers & resources
Resource center and information
This page is contains all information needed to assist state, district and chapter officers carryout their duties. The top section is a list of all state officers and directors with inks to their pages which contain office reports and contact information. Below the officer section are buttons to simplify a few common tasks: Edit current member information, submitting your Between the Lines newsletter articles, requesting an Office 365 account and adding an event to the A.B.A.T.E. of PA calendar. The third section contains links to web resources and downloadable tools to perform your duties, as well as links to legislative information and a directory of SMROs across the country.
State Executive Board
additional officer information & Tools
Congratulations on your election!
The tools on your office page are made available to you by A.B.A.T.E. of PA Office to help you in performing your duties. If you are in need of any further information or assistance, contact the A.B.A.T.E. of PA state office at 717-731-8955. Tool packages are .zip files. After downloading, you will need to extract the files. Microsoft Word or Excel are needed to work with some files. All A.B.A.T.E. of PA chapter and district officers are encouraged to request a Microsoft 365 account. Complete this form to request your Microsoft Office 365 account.
(Modern browser may block some downloads. You may need to accept security exceptions or adjust browser settings)
A.B.A.T.E. of PA Resources
Corporate Operating Procedures
Coordinator and District Rep Tools
Coordinator & Rep Tools Package
Operation Save A Life Tools
Secretary Tools
Treasurer Tools
Legislative Coordinator Tools
Membership Officer Tools

Thank you to Richard Freeburn and the team at Freeburn Law for creating and sharing these event and motorcycle run waiver forms. We should be having participants of all events and rides sign a waiver.
Download and print the waiver forms here. Enter your event name on the event waiver and your chapter name on the ride waiver.
Legislative Links
PA Bills
• US House Bills
• US Senate Bills
• How to read a bill
• How a bill becomes law
• Voter Registration
Motorcycle Training Links and Info
Pennsylvania's Motorcycle Safety Program
What's Happening